
Monday, June 4, 2012

Brave Halfling Publishing Presents: Appendix N Adventure Toolkit

I was wrong on Friday when I said that the Tales from the Fallen Empire Kickstarter had been funded in one day. I've since edited the post, and, though I was wrong, an incredible amount of money has already been donated to that cause. This time, however, I can make such a claim rightly: the DCC RPG community funded Brave Halfling Publishing's Kickstarter in less than one day. Even better, the first stretch goal was reached in two.

This means that the The Ruins of Ramat, the first in BHPs line of modules for DCC RPG, will become reality. Listen to this pitch:

It’s mid-spring, a time when Lords venture out with their men-at-arms to wage war with one another.  Every able person in the land is entangled in the conflict -- one way or another.  Into the midst of all this trouble a young girl comes crying that her dog has been taken by a monster. She is clearly terrified, and the dog (ever by her side) is nowhere to be seen.  All that can be got from her is that she and the dog were playing down by “Rose Hill,” when a giant, clawed creature burst out of the ground and took her dog. The villagers agree that you should investigate the incident. Indeed, they are relieved that anyone seems willing to do so...

It also means that the second module in this line is funded. From the Kickstarter:

Bonus Goal #1 ($2,500) is the module, “Appendix N Adventure Toolkit #2: “The Crumbling Tower.” A young magic-user's apprentice failed to return home for the fall holiday and you and your companions are sent to investigate what has happened to him. This is a level 1 module and will ship in September 2012.

Of course, there is still work to be done. Each stretch goal funds an additional module, except for th last, which is for an old school gaming box. For only $20, you will receive a copy of every stretch goal that gets met. What are you waiting for? Open your wallet here.

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